Electronic Wallets

Interest-free Visa CIB Installment Places

All companies and banks aim to provide facilities to citizens. That is why CIB Visa Bank has made purchases available through which you can buy all the necessary supplies and items from the stores that CIB bank deals with and that is spread across all branches of Cairo. In this article from MarketsBloom Academy, we will learn about the premium of Visa CIB without interest. In addition, other necessary information.

CIB purchases visa without interest

Visa Bank cib purchases allow customers as well as users both individuals and companies the ability to obtain two types of visa. They are platinum visas and golden visas. Each of these types has its advantages, which we can easily get through some simple procedures.The CIB also provides all customers with the ability to purchase supplies from all stores contracted by CIB. Cib bank has contracted with the best stores that sell local, as well as global products.

Installment Places without Interest

When the customer wants to use cib bank’s purchases visa, he wants to inquire about the places where these goods and products are sold. To know if his circumstances allow him to go to these places. On the other hand, if he’s going to take advantage of this service or he can’t. These places are distributed in all cities of the Arab Republic of Egypt through which you can buy all the supplies you need from electrical or household appliances. Also, purchase furnishings in interest-free installments through Visa cib purchases.

At the premium of Visa Bank cib, the installment period is 12 months without interest. The best of these places is:

1.    Link “em electronics stores.

2.    Zahran Furniture.

3.    Sky Retail

4.    Cellini menswear.

5.    Home Centre Furniture Stores.

6.    Hub Furniture Furniture Store.

7.    Gadalla Furniture Company.

8.    Ideal House for home accessories and furniture.

9.    Nasita Autocher Auto Repair Center.

10.  Sedar Company for curtains, fabrics, and decorations.

11.  Samsonite Bags Company.

12.  As Aweija Automotive Company.

13.  Blind Homeware & Furniture Company.

14.  Munir Half Optics Store.

15.  Moga Phone 2 Store is also a happy port for mobile phones.

16.  Kenwood Household Appliances & Kitchenware Company.

17.  Palazzo Ornamental Shop for Jewelry Accessories.

18.  Decimal for cooling and conditioning.

These are the places to install CIB Visa without interest, we hope this article will be useful to you.

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